Dyslexia Canada is a national charity dedicated to ensuring that every child in Canada with dyslexia receives a fair and equitable education.

Dyslexia Canada was formed in 2016 as a way to ensure that there was a national voice and forum to advocate for all Canadian children with dyslexia. By partnering with professional organizations, experts, and advocates, Dyslexia Canada strives to drive systemic change by engaging and educating the public and establishing legislation specific to recognizing and supporting children with dyslexia.

2nd Annual Student Achievement Awards

These awards celebrate the remarkable efforts and accomplishments of students with dyslexia. We understand that navigating the educational landscape with dyslexia can present unique challenges, and this award aims to recognize the unwavering dedication, resilience, and progress demonstrated by these extraordinary students.

Nominations are now open until May 15th

News & Updates

Upcoming Events

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia Basics
Dyslexia is a brain-based learning difference that makes learning to read more difficult. These children are the crisis in the classroom and they need our help.

Although children learn at their own pace, a child who has been struggling with reading and spelling may be struggling with dyslexia. Signs and indicators can be seen as early as pre-school.

Community Connections
Dyslexia Canada’s free Community Connections program offers peer-to-peer support for parents and caregivers of children with dyslexia.

Mark it Read
Each October, monuments and buildings light up red, schools and workplaces wear red, and cities and towns sign proclamations officially declaring October as Dyslexia Awareness Month.

You are not alone - A heartfelt message from our Chair, Keith Gray

Discover More About Dyslexia

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12 Canadian celebrities with dyslexia

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Autobiography Series -Dyslexia Stories

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Resources for adults with dyslexia