Canadian Multiculturalism Day: Books lists for kids and teens

June 27th is Canadian Multiculturalism Day:

“On November 13, 2002, the Government of Canada designated June 27 of each year as Canadian Multiculturalism Day. This day is an opportunity for all Canadians to celebrate and appreciate the contributions of the various multicultural groups and communities to Canadian society.” - Canadian Heritage

Dyslexia Canada would therefore like to take this opportunity to share some resources about Canadian multiculturalism. Below, we have compiled some booklists from various organizations that are ideal for kids and teens to learn more about multiculturalism in Canada.

Canadain Multicultural themed book lists:

  1. Goodreads: Canadian Multicultural Picture Books - Over 60 picture books that explore and celebrate multiculturalism in Canada.

  2. Frazer Valley Regional Library Maple Ridge: Canadian Multiculturalism Books for Kids and Teens - A selection of books perfect for kids, families, teens, and adults that showcase the beauty of different cultures.

  3. The Canadian Children’s Book Centre:

    Canadian Multicultural-themed Books for Kids - A compiled list of great Canadian Multicultural-themed books for kids of all ages.

    Canadian Multicultural-themed Books for Kids & Teens - A booklist including some of the Multicultural-themed picture books, novels and non-fiction that have been published in Canada.

Young girl reading a book

Multicultural themed book lists:

  1. Goodreads:

    Best Multicultural Books for Children - A list of multicultural books for children, from picture books through to elementary chapter books.

    Multicultural Book Lists - You can browse this list by tag and category to explore thousands of books with a multicultural theme.

  2. Scholastic: Teach Diversity With Multicultural Books for Pre-K and Kindergarten - A list of multicultural books for ages 3-5 to introduce your children to diverse characters.

  3. Teaching Books: 50 Multicultural Books Every Child Should Know - A booklist sponsored by Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) that lists 50 books to help children learn about multiculturalism.

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